• Selling with Plates?

    • Registered?

    • Identification Attached?

    • Pay Method?

    • Upload Photo ID (Drivers Licence / Passport):

    • Upload Photo (Your Car/Vehicle):

    How did you find us?

    Terms And Conditions:

    1- I agree to sell the above vehicle and its accessories to the above company(s).
    2- I certify that I have full title to the vehicle and its accessories, and that there is no money owing to the third party concerning the vehicle by way of Lease, Hire Purchase Agreement, Bill for sale, Personal Loan, Promissory note or any other Agreement, and the vehicle and accessory are completely unencumbered.
    3- To the best of my knowledge there are no fines or infringements notices outstanding in relation to the vehicle and no theft involves. All personal belongings must be recovered from the vehicle before it's towed away.
    4- All above prices are included G.S.T.
    5- The car will be disposed within 24 hours.

    Please sign below: